My K750i did its work in Macedonia too.. Here is the result;)
So I am back in sivilazation, Zurich.. Been walking around town today looking at all the "suits" and well dressed people. Dunno what they thinking, but they look stressed.. Its a huge difference from last week in Macedonia, and Skopje. Huge... I will post some pics from the last week, even some ski pics.. Åzzy, Ev1, Kræstiansen, Hjørnet, Zhooota og meg på tur, aldri sur, vell....

On my way to Macedonia... Mountains..

Our Guide, wich makes it crack;) Thanks for a
cool week dudes..;)

They gave us some magazines to read at our first
Hotell in Popova Shapka;)

Åzzbourne, going for a crack!

The crew is workin hard, Ziggy doin his thing
Look out for the real pic by

Nuff said.............................................

Macedonian tree-monkey..

Skopsko! Important part of Macedonian lifestyle..
Last words from Espen Kræstiansen.... , ,, ,,
And a little bonus.. Make sure you check out
next years skimovie